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Dear visitors,
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to the website of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in the Republic of India. I wish this portal, with its new form, to be an interactive tool with Moroccans, Indians and other visitors from around the globe whose objective is to provide them with, hopefully, dynamic, valuable and up to date information.
We hope that visitors of the web site will be numerous and will value the longstanding excellent relations of cooperation and friendship that exist between Morocco and India; relations which draw their strength from sharing the common values of peace and tolerance, the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of States. Both countries have also very dense cultural heritage, strong similarities and connections.
The between Morocco and the Asian counties are truly projected towards the future, in a spirit of a continuous revitalisation and diversification. They are not new but date back to the 14th century, when the Moroccan great traveller Ibn Battuta visited India and wrote extensively about his appreciations and personal views on the rich, multifaceted and multiracial peoples in this sub-continent.
The year 2022 marks the sixty fifth anniversary of Morocco-India diplomatic relations, established as back as 1957. This is an auspicious occasion, not only, to commemorate long standing bilateral relations which have stood difficult times, but also to take stock with satisfaction regarding the level they have reached, the profound changes they are undergoing, and to outline the shape of their promising future as well, in a mutually beneficial and multifaceted partnership.
Undoubtedly, one cannot pretend the information contained in this website would be exhaustive and satisfy all tastes and inquiries. Nevertheless, it remains an attempt to cover, as much as possible, what the visitors may be looking at, as it includes also links to even larger sources of information. That is why, and in a tireless effort to better the services it provides, your remarks and comments will always be more than welcome, in that they will undoubtedly help in improving and enhancing them for the benefit of all of us.
While hoping that it will be at the level of your expectations, I thank you for your visit and wish you all a rewarding and pleasant reading and surfing.
Sincerely yours,
Mohamed MALIKI
- 01140564253/ 01140564257 / (Fax) 01140564257
- C-7/5, Vasant Vihar New Delhi - 110057
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Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco
New Delhi
Find all the news of Moroccan diplomacy on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates